Despite the very late and stressful harvest, all the parts and pieces of putting on a show came together. A shout out goes to my kids and some friends, who played a big part in making it happen!

My daughter Jilene and her boyfriend Oso, hung the paintings for me while I went to the salon for a much needed haircut and other errands.
HandsĀ Off!
They did a fabulous job, and I requested a couple of small changes when they were almost finished. We laughed about that because I had mentioned to them earlier that I was taking a hands off approach. They were in charge of arranging the display and I was not going to get involved. Came really close, but couldn’t totally help myself!

Time to Celebrate
The night before the opening, I sat down and took in the scene before me. It felt good to acknowledge all of the accomplishments that had taken place in the two years previous. It’s always a satisfying feeling to view the studio once most of the work of putting on a show has been done; a good point to sit back and celebrate all of my team’s and my efforts before guests come through the door.

Good Neighbors Help in Putting on a Show
The weather cleared up just enough and just in time for guests to feel fairly comfortable navigating the winter-y roads. The area had been hit with freezing rain and cold temps the day before. A concerned neighbor had brought us a large bag of ice melt to spread around on Saturday morning. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness, Glen! Other neighbors and friends, Yolande, Alice, Hedy and Pascha, brought goodies for the table. More friends, Julie, Karen, Oso, Devin and Jilene, helped with handling sales, refreshments, greeting guests and various other tasks. All of the help I received made a huge difference in my being able to enjoy the weekend and focus on my guests.

New and Long Time Friends
Seeing everyone who came through my door was fun and heartwarming. It was such a pleasure to connect and visit at least a little bit with each person and I am grateful for all of the support they gave me by attending and also purchasing artworks. I was surprised by the number of new people who dropped by because of friends who had shared the invitation!

Many memories were made and even better, all sorts of surprise reunions took place during the weekend! In some cases it had been over 20 years since we and some friends had seen each other. A few relatives on both sides of my family were also able to re-connect. I have come to understand that this is what it’s all about. Making connections with others through the sharing of art and hosting or attending these kinds of events is good for the souls of all who participate.

After All is Said and Done
Over one hundred and ten people attended my show and twenty one original pieces (mostly miniatures) found new homes. Even though this tally is quite a bit less than in previous years, I am glad we made the effort of putting on a show. I am planning to do another summer event in 2020 with many new paintings and items to show you. I am also looking forward to all of the stories that will be created through the process. It’s time to get painting!