Trying Something New

airplane-wingI am generally not the nervous type. Lately, though, there have been a few butterflies fluttering about. They say that this is a good thing. Trying something new is not unusual for me. In fact, it is rare that I follow any routine for very long. But this experience will be quite different for me.

Very, very early next Wednesday morning, I will be travelling to Colorado, all on my own. Now you might not think that this is an epic undertaking except I have never gone anywhere outside of Central Alberta without at least one other person from my family. Finding my way through an unfamiliar airport and then the 45 minute drive outside of Denver….. all by myself. If my daughter, Jilene can travel all over the world by herself, surely I can do this! It is obvious that she did not get the courageous travel bug from me…..

I will be meeting many other artists in Golden for an art related workshop. Adding to my uneasiness is the fact that I have never met any of them before. I am going with the intention to make many new friends and learn everything I possibly can. My shyness in new group situations might make it difficult to participate fully, at least at first.  I am expecting that it will be a lot of fun once I get there.

Coming home after an action packed few days will be somewhat interesting. My flight leaves Denver at 8 am which means I will have to be checked out of the hotel by 4:30 am and I am so NOT a morning person!
(Photo above Thanks to Jilene Schafers)

2 thoughts on “Trying Something New

    1. Judy Schafers

      Yes, that would be perfect! I look forward to hearing all about your show 🙂
      Is it not time for another critique master’s meeting?


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