Christmas Under the Palms

My in-laws, Herman and Marian

My in-laws, Herman and Marian

Yuma Sunset, short but sweet!

Yuma Sunset, short but sweet!

I was surprised to find this insect in Arizona in January!

I was surprised to find this insect in Arizona in January!

Herman and Marian celebrated their 56 Anniversary

Herman and Marian celebrated their 56 Anniversary

My in-laws, Herman and Marian

My in-laws, Herman and Marian

Evening bon-fire with an 'aurora borealis' touch

Evening bon-fire with an ‘aurora borealis’ touch

red-dune-bugAs you well know, this time of year is busy with all kinds of excellent distractions!
we were among those that celebrated Christmas under the palms in Yuma Arizona with some of the family.

4 thoughts on “Christmas Under the Palms

  1. Karen Blanchet

    Ah, yes… the perennial question: how is being artist useful? Thank you for your insights. One thing for sure it is a lot of fun… Perhaps that is why I feel guilty! Isn’t life supposed to be hard and miserable?

    1. Judy Schafers

      I am finally learning, Karen, that life is suppose to be full of joy, if we don’t sabotage ourselves! Which requires mindfulness…. I am slowly but surely getting rid of the guilt around enjoying what I do. Hope you can get rid of the guilt, too, my dear !

  2. Linda V.

    Many people reach the end of their lives and regret not stopping “to smell the roses”. I believe that appreciating any or all of the fine arts or the beauty of nature is part of a joy-filled life. Thanks for sharing the beauty you see in your life, Judy.

    1. Judy Schafers

      Thank you so much for sharing your perspective, Linda! I agree with you. It is all to easy to not allow ourselves these moments and call them ‘luxuries’, as if they are not important.


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