It has certainly been an enjoyable summer, in my mind. There are always difficult things going on in the world, that is for sure, but I choose to focus a bit more on the wonderful abundance around me. How can I make a positive difference in the world, if I let negative influences make me miserable? And so, it has truly been an very enjoyable summer! The balance of moisture and sunshine has been almost perfect in this area which is of concern every growing season. The gardens look great! Even with the weeds.

The large leafed plants above are tobacco plants that were given to us by a dear family family friend. We’re not sure what to do with them, but they certainly look happy! Other often used herbs such as variegated basil, rosemary and purple sage are alongside.

It looks like we are sadly going to loose a couple more of our long time garden inhabitants. Some of the summer storms wreaked havoc on our spruce trees near the house and they will leave quite a very noticeable empty spot. They will be greatly missed.

Here, our long time valued farm hand Jerry, is washing the combine and getting it ready for harvest. Every year it seems to come so quickly! Some of our neighboring farmers have begun harvesting this week.

Mushroom were everywhere this year! Jilene has a large mushroom book that she uses to identify them. We made delicious cream of mushroom soup with these! Another first 🙂 Oh, and the cherries and raspberries were almost never ending! The freezer is full of fruit. I am just finishing with the apples and the plums are next.

The crops are looking pretty good in our area this year. These are faba beans which are a fairly new crop for us. It is great for expanding the crop rotation and adding to field nutrients at the same time. This photo could inspire a miniature painting on wood…